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Featured Presentation

During his presentation, "The Jigsaw Puzzle Called Reentry," Augie Ghilarducci speaks to the challenges and provides insights to those who are helping the reentry population from a visceral perspective. Learn more about this presentation below.



Past Speaking Engagements

Reducing Recidivism

Accountability Court Graduation

Employment After Incarceration

Looking for a Speaker?

We are proud to feature a team of thought leaders that routinely speak in public forums about the challenges and issues confronting incarceration, substance use disorders, and juvenile justice. We not only define the problems in graphic detail based upon lived experience, but we offer clarity in potential solutions. The men and women that are part of our thought leader team have no shortage of ideas when it comes to addressing these core societal problems. Read our thought leaders' bios here. Reach out to us for information on booking our speakers.


“Those closest to the problem are closest to the solution.”

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